Painted Wings
My book 'Painted Wings' is now available to purchase. With over 50 of my paintings featured on the right hand pages, accompanied by sketches, photos, and text on the left hand pages explaining my thoughts and ideas behind each image.
Welcome to my website gallery, I hope you enjoy the visit. The images are constantly being added to, so the collection is building up nicely. Most of my work in the past has been carried out on a commission basis so publication in print form has not been a priority. I am now concentrating on publishing my work in fine art print form, which I am finding very exciting and rewarding.
Quality has always been of supreme importance to me from artwork through printing/ paper thickness and quality to framing and efficient despatch. I try to ensure my major aviation prints are veteran pilot /navigator signed, which massively increases the collectability of the item. I attend most of the large airshows around the country, painting on site, chatting at length and answering questions. I will leave you now to browse at your leisure, and hope you like what you see.