One of the advantages of painting in oils is the fact that one can achieve an illusion of perspective depth and distance in more than one way. One way is to ensure the foreground and its inevitable detail is painted relatively densely with deeper colour than the further elements, applied thicker (I use a palette knife to really lay the paint on) the stones were just deposited on the canvas with stabbing strokes of the knife. As we look further into the distance, or in other words as we look further up the canvas, I applied the paint with brush using less aggressive action, and indeed when I was right at the mountain area I ended up smoothing and delicately blending the paint with a fantail brush. Unfortunately to a degree this facility is lost a little when the image is put into print, but the originals really benefit from the technique.
Litho print, overall size 17" x 12½", image size 13" x 9½"
Signed limited edition of 500